Friday, January 7, 2011

A Pleasant Surprise

As I showered this morning, preparing to bring the children to school, I got a very strong sense from the Lord to go to the church at my parish today.  Initially, my reaction was that since there is no mass (during Mondays), why would I need to go to church? And then the Lord told me that “I have something for you…” Still, I resisted because I felt that whatever God wanted to tell me or to give to me, I would still be able to experience it during my prayer time here at home. Furthermore, I was a bit concerned about my gas, since I was running a little low on it already.
However, after my shower, I was further convicted in that I sensed the Lord telling me, “Why worry about your gas? – Just Go.” As usual, I was trying to second-guess what God was going to give me or tell me this morning. I then thought that God wanted me to go to confession. However, since I did not know the schedule of confession, I wasn’t sure whether confession was the reason why God wanted me to go to mass. Nevertheless, I decided to go to my parish church right after bringing the kids to school. In the end, I figured that God just wanted me to visit the Blessed Sacrament.
After dropping off the kids at school, I wasn’t even really rushing as I usually do in order to make the 9:00 a.m. mass. To my surprise, when I passed by the church going to the parking lot, I saw a lot of people inside. I thought maybe that there was some special event or something. How would I be able to pray if there was something going on in the church?
And then when I was already inside, it became apparent to me that Mass was going to be celebrated – and I was there right before it was going to start! Immediately, I felt Jesus smiling down upon me telling me that this was His surprise – I would be able to celebrate the Eucharist today! What a wonderful surprise! Ever since I got here to Australia, I have always known (or thought) that mass is not celebrated on Mondays as this is usually the day that is reserved for the “day off” of the priests. But here I was, starting the week off in the most perfect way by being able to go to mass.
Throughout the mass, it occurred to me that the Lord had answered one of my prayers just a few months ago. Ever since I started experiencing a renewal in my faith with our Lord (starting approximately August of this year), I have been able to have such wonderful experiences during my prayer time. However, I was reflecting on remembering how just a few months ago, I was telling God that for some reason, I do not seem to really appreciate the mass just yet. For whatever reason it was, I did not seem to experience Jesus as I do during my personal prayer time. And now that I am reflecting on it, I don’t think that I specifically prayed for the grace to be able to understand and more fully appreciate the celebration of the Eucharist. I just remember that I couldn’t really understand why I didn’t CELEBRATE as I should be.
Over the past week, I had finished two books –THE FAITH EXPLAINED and ROME SWEET HOME. By reading these books, I have come to a deeper appreciation of the Catholic Faith. And in connection with my experience today, I was given the grace to be able to understand and inculcate in my heart, mind and soul the joy that emanates from celebrating the Eucharist, from being one with God. Mass is a sacrifice – the only sacrifice that is worthy in the eyes of God. Unlike in the Old Testament, where the prophets and people would make animal sacrifices – these were never enough in the eyes of God. My understanding now of the mass (without my even realising it), is how much the Lord revels in his people celebrating (making a sacrifice) with/for Him.
Furthermore, it is now very apparent to me and it has reached the point that I am now overwhelmed at the opportunity to receive Jesus' body, to be one with Him – my Lord, Saviour and Messiah. What a great gift to start off the week!

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