Wednesday, January 19, 2011


19 January 2011

It has been almost 2 years since I left the ones I love, the people who have been a part of my life. Filled with optimism and God’s love, I took a leap of faith, knowing that it was His will. Remembering how I felt at the time, I was overflowing with exhilaration and anticipation of what was to come. But at the same time, my heart was broken because I was to be separated from everything that I loved.
I gave up things that I had thought I never would. I left the security of what I had, of the things that God allowed me to have. I followed my discernment, what I believed God wanted me to do.
As I reflect on what I left behind, I cannot help but be overwhelmed by the love, friendships, and relationships that have impacted on my life. So many lives that has touched me and will forever be in my heart.
Everything I remember, I remember fondly. Whatever hardships were experienced simply made me stronger. But the joys, oh the joys! Laughter, sorrow, love, peace, and harmony - Truly, God has filled my life with wonderful memories.
Whatever the future brings, I cannot stop thanking God for His unwavering love for me. Even when I was deaf to His voice, He took care of me. He has been faithful to me even when I cared not. He has always been in my life, even when I was not aware of His existence.
What kind of Father shows this kind of love? The love that can never be broken, can never be shattered.  This is my God. In all my life, I have never felt as contented as I do now.
One day I will see you again. But for now, I follow Him, to wherever He leads me.

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