Friday, February 11, 2011

My Happy Place

Many years ago when I was in 1st year High School in Manila, our religion teacher made us go through an exercise where we would all close our eyes and imagine ourselves in the place that we love the most. It was a really wonderful experience where I found myself in Maplewood, New Jersey in the house of my Uncle and Aunt. Placing myself in their front yard near the driveway, all my senses were tingling as I felt myself breathing the fresh air, enjoying the warmth of the sunlight, the coolness of the breeze, the color of the grass and the trees and the flowers, and of course the smell of Maple wood. I felt serene. 
Throughout the years I have had many ‘happy places’ in New Jersey, Manila, West Covina, Ann Arbor, and Sydney. But my Uncle’s house in Maplewood seems to have always stood out above the rest. That is, until today.
This morning I was sitting quietly trying to just be with God. I prayed to God to help me learn how to meditate and just be with Him. More specifically, I asked God to help me learn how to pray to the Blessed Sacrament. I then imagined myself in front of the Blessed Sacrament in my parish here in Stanhope Gardens. IMMEDIATELY, I felt all of my senses tingling in the same way that happened before when I would think of Maplewood. Once again, I felt the serenity and tranquility but now, the place was in a different country thousands of miles away from New Jersey.
I smiled, and my heart was filled with peace. I have a new happy place.

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