Today, I honour one of the very first saints who I turned to for help when I was struggling with my faith. When I decided to take the next step and renew my commitment to our Lord, St. Mary Magdalene was there for me, even when I kept on stumbling and falling down. She helped me to get up time and time again, and continues to do so up to this very day.
I always thought that once I surrendered my life to God, that I would have some kind of force field that would shield me from the evil one and that everything would be smooth sailing from thereon. However, over the past several months, I realised that this was not the case - far from it actually. As I continue to learn and walk in faith, I cannot express how much of a consolation it is to have a 'heavenly family' of angels and saints who care for each and every one of us in the world and who pray for us each day.
St. Mary Magdalene has inspired me, consoled me, prayed for me, lifted me up, smiled at me, and served as my model. Her life is a testimony that sin can indeed be overcome through the power of our Lord Jesus Christ. And the depth of her love for Jesus is something that we can all look up to, hoping and praying for the grace to one day have that same kind of love.
I have to admit that I never really believed in praying to saints before. I believed in the existence of angels and saints, but felt that with what little time we all have to pray, that it was just better to go straight to God. But hard as it is to understand, it is equally difficult to explain. My patron(ess) saints have helped me in so many ways, I do not know where my faith would be today without them - Perhaps I would have already been lost forever what with all the obstacles and spiritual harassments/warfare that were thrown at me when I first renewed.
St. Mary Magdalene has touched my heart so profoundly - I can't explain it, I just feel it. If not for anything else, she has instilled in me a desire to love Jesus in the same way that she did.
‘Thank you Lord for giving us your servant, St. Mary Magdalene.’